Record Search
Find Spot: 0115500000 (Find Spot)Neolithic flint flakes and tools found on the ground surface
Find Spot: MBC46012 (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: 0092100000 (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in garden
Find Spot: 0412200000 (Find Spot)Mesolithic to Early Bronze Age flint tools found in Little Missenden parish
Find Spot: 0476200000 (Find Spot)Roman metalwork found in metal-detecting survey
Monument: 0557901000 (Monument)Nineteenth century burial ground
Find Spot: 0554600004 (Find Spot)Post-medieval pottery sherds found in field-walking survey
Monument: 0758200000 (Monument)Royal British Legion, Nicol Road, Chalfont St Peter
Find Spot: 0418600000 (Find Spot)Eleventh to twelfth century pottery found in ditch digging
Find Spot: 0511900000 (Find Spot)Neolithic flint axe found close to the Thames in Medmenham