Monument record 0029200000 - MANTLES GREEN MEADOW


Roman villa and possible late Roman and Saxon cemetery site at Mantles Green Meadow

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Roman villa and settlement site partly excavated in advance of road construction (DBC9220)
  • Planning Notification Area: Roman villa site, partly excavated in advance of road construction (DBC9218)


Type and Period (2)

  • VILLA? (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • CEMETERY? (4th Century to Saxon - 300 AD to 1065 AD)


Extensive site in field between Back Lane & A413 W of Amersham, also S side of A413 stray finds (:01), evidence of cemetery (:02) late Roman/Saxon. Probably associated with Shardeloes villa, villa itself not precisely located. For other evidence see CAS 01450. Area excavated (:04) 1983-1984.
Buckinghamshire County Museum reports the finding of a crushed, grey-tempered storage jar (10in diameter) with impressed decoration on shoulder by Michael Gibbons during the Amersham By-Pass excavations - thought to have been found in this vicinity (24).
Finds made during the constructionof the Amersham By-Pass in 1985 include a fragment of a late Roman copper-alloy bracelet and a copper-alloy cosmetic mortar in the form of a horned bovid (25).
Evaluation by AS&C in April 2003 at West Lodge found only redeposited Romano-British building material (chalk blocks and brick/tile fragments) possibly disturbed during C19 or C20 building works (26).

Sources (26)

  • <1>SBC3203 Unpublished document: CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN T L JONES (MIN OF WORKS) & BCM 1955-1956.
  • <2>SBC910 Unpublished document: BCM ACCESSIONS REGISTER (9.56, 25.57, 95.75)..
  • <3>SBC446 Article in serial: Unknown. 1957. 'THE MUSEUM', IN RECS OF BUCKS 16 P118. Vol 16.
  • <4>SBC16280 Bibliographic reference: Viatores. 1964. ROMAN ROADS IN SE MIDLANDS P211.
  • <5>SBC11212 Unpublished document: Ordnance Survey Field Investigator. OS RECORD CARD SU 99 NW 1 AND NW 4 (2 CARDS FOR SAME SITE).
  • <6>SBC1830 Article in serial: Keith Branigan. 1967. 'ROMANO BRITISH RURAL SETTLEMENT IN THE WESTERN CHILTERNS', IN ARCHAEOL J 124 P157. Vol 124.
  • <9>SBC12274 Verbal communication: PIKE L E, TO FARLEY M E MARCH 1974.
  • <10>SBC1051 Unpublished document: BCM ACCESSIONS REGISTER, 1974.309.
  • <11>SBC2836 Unpublished document: D Charlesworth. 1974. LETTER IDENTIFYING GLASS FRAGMENTS, JUNE 1974.
  • <12>SBC993 Unpublished document: BCM ACCESSIONS REGISTER 1974.190.
  • <13>SBC3392 Unpublished document: Andrew David. 1982. AMERSHAM BYPASS, ANCIENT MONUMENTS LAB REPORT, GEOPHYSICS G 11/82.
  • <14>SBC17119 Article in serial: Peter Yeoman. 1984. 'MANTLES GREEN AMERSHAM', IN SOUTH MIDLANDS ARCHAEOLOGY 14 PP11-13. Vol 14.
  • <15>SBC5470 Article in serial: S S Frere. 1984. 'ROMAN BRITAIN IN 1984', IN BRITANNIA 40 P302. Vol 40.
  • <16>SBC4717 Excavation archive: Buckinghamshire County Museum. 1983-4. EXCAVATION ARCHIVE, MANTLES GREEN MEADOW EXCAVATION 1983-1984.
  • <17>SBC17116 Article in serial: P A Yeoman and I J Stewart. 1992. 'A ROMANO-BRITISH VILLA ESTATE AT MANTLES GREEN, AMERSHAM', IN RECS OF BUCKS 34. Vol 34. pp107-182.
  • <18>SBC2960 Unpublished document: CLARK T & FARLEY M E JAN 1985.
  • <19>SBC14692 Unpublished document: SMITHSON S (OXFORD IN-SERVICE STUDENT) FEB 1985 (SEE HIS REPORT FILED)..
  • <20>SBC735 Verbal communication: BACKWAY R (SBMDC) & FARLEY M E OCTOBER 1988.
  • <21>SBC5472 Unpublished document: 1994. FRY M & FARLEY M E JANUARY 1994 (SEE CORRESPONDENCE FILED, & CATALOGUE).
  • <22>SBC4653 Article in serial: A S Esmonde Cleary (ed). 1994. 'ROMAN BRITAIN IN 1993', IN BRITANNIA 25 P276. Vol 25.
  • <23>SBC2979 Verbal communication: CLARK T NOV 1995 PERS COMM (NOTES & PHOTOGRAPHS, FILED).
  • <24>SBC20048 Unpublished document: Michael Gibbons and Mike Farley. 1990. Report of finding of crushed storage storage jar by Michael Gibbons in 1987-8.
  • <25>SBC20054 Unpublished document: Mike Farley and Roy Backway. 1987. Archive relating to the finding of a cosmetic grinder and part of a silver bracelet at Mantles Greem Farm.
  • <26>SBC20694 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2003. Archaeological Evaluation: West Lodge, Shardeloes Estate, Amersham.
  • <27>SBC20011 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2001. Chilterns Chalk Streams Project: Chess & Misbourne Valleys - Archaeological Assessment.


Grid reference SU 94800 97900 (point)
Civil Parish AMERSHAM, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire

Finds (2)

  • BRACELET (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • COSMETIC PESTLE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Related Monuments/Buildings (11)

Related Events/Activities (4)

  • Event - Intervention: (EBC13297)
  • Event - Intervention: (Ref: AMG 83-84) (EBC12292)
  • Event - Intervention: Evaluation trial trenching (Ref: WLA03) (EBC16415)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical survey (Ref: G 11/82) (EBC1320)

Record last edited

Jul 13 2023 2:53PM

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