Place record 0278500000 - WADDESDON


General background information about Waddesdon parish

Protected Status/Designation

  • SHINE: Earthwork survival of medieval to post-medieval ridge and furrow cultivation of the former open field system around Waddesdon (DBC8278)


Type and Period (1)

  • NON ANTIQUITY (Undated)


Historic Environment Assessment (B7).
Documentary references to parish (B4-6,B8).
A survey of pre-1900 domestic houses in the parish describes the characteristic pattern of surviving dwellings being a direct result of the almost complete demolition of all pre-19th century houses by the Rothschild estate (B9).
Illustrated history of Waddesdon between 1874-1925 (B10).
Desk-based assessment reports (B11-13).
Negative geophyscs survey (B14)

Sources (14)

  • <1>SBC14950 Bibliographic reference: STRONG MRS JUNE C.1970 (IN HANGING FILE).
  • <2>SBC14949 Bibliographic reference: STRONG MRS JUNE C.1970 (FILED).
  • <3>SBC19502 Article in serial: Arnold Baines. 2001. 'Beating the Bounds: Rogationtide at Waddesdon', in Recs of Bucks 41. Vol 41. pp143-164.
  • <4>SBC20466 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1912. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 1. pp301-304.
  • <5>SBC20463 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1927. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume IV. Volume 4. p107-118.
  • <6>SBC19727 Bibliographic reference: James Sheahan. 1862. History and Topography of Buckinghamshire. p428-436.
  • <7>SBC22692 Unpublished document: County Archaeological Service. 2006. Aylesbury Vale Environmental Character Assessment: Milton Keynes & Aylesbury Vale Sub Regional Strategy Historic Environment Assessment.
  • <8>SBC22775 Unpublished document: Mark Page. 2002. An Assessment of the Documentary and Cartographic Evidence Relating to the Medieval Landscape and Society of the Bernwood Forest Project Area.
  • <9>SBC23548 Unpublished document: Sue Fox. 2009. Patterns of building in Buckinghamshire: a survey of pre-twentieth century domestic buildings in four parishes.
  • <10>SBC24565 Bibliographic reference: Norman Carr & Ivor Gurney. 1996. Waddesdon's Golden Years 1874-1925.
  • <11>SBC24138 Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2006. Hardwick to Marsh Gibbon Gas Pipeline: Archaeology and Heritage Survey, Vol. 1: Report.
  • <12>SBC24139 Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2006. Hardwick to Marsh Gibbon Gas Pipeline: Archaeology and Heritage Survey, Vol. 2: Maps.
  • <13>SBC24140 Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2006. Hardwick to Marsh Gibbon Gas Pipeline: Archaeology and Heritage Survey, Vol. 3: Gazetteer.
  • <14>SBC26415 Unpublished document: Magnitude Surveys. 2018. HS2 Phase 1 EWC Central Section, Geophysical Survey Report for Wayside Farm East, Bucks (CRO1368) - Site Code 1C17WFEMG.


Grid reference Centred SP 75 15 (5818m by 6989m)
Civil Parish WADDESDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Event - Survey: HS2 geophysics survey: Wayside Farm East (Ref: 1C17WFEMG) (EBC18513)

Record last edited

Sep 5 2023 12:38PM

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