Place record 0271600000 - LONG CRENDON


General background information about Long Crendon parish.

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded


Type and Period (1)

  • NON ANTIQUITY (Undated)


Research notes on witchert building techniques (B4).
Documentary references to parish (B3, B5-9,B14, B15).
Extract from Browne Willis Volume 20, held at the Bodleian Library 'Near the church in a close called Court Close the foundations of large buildings are yet to be seen which tradition says was the habitation of Walter Giffard [---] at the other end of the town at a place called North End are likewise old foundations….probably once part of the town. In the middle of the town is a place called the Croft in which may be discovered the foundations of some ancient buildings which might be the manor house of the manor now belonging to the Earl of Abingdon' (B10).
Negative fieldwork report (B11, B13,B16).
Trenching at 17 -19 Bicester Road identified 2 modern ditches containing late 18th to 19th century pottery (B12).
Desk Based Assessment (B17)

Sources (17)

  • <1>SBC6800 Bibliographic reference: JENKINS J G(ED) 1962 CARTULARY OF MISSENDEN ABBEY PT.III IN BUCKSRECORDSOC12PP79-80"".
  • <2>SBC7046 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1939. KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF BUCKS 1939.
  • <3>SBC20466 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1912. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 1. p235 - 246.
  • <4>SBC22412 Unpublished document: Melissa Maynard (Chiltern Open-Air Museum). 2005. Haddenham Cottage: Research Paper.
  • <5>SBC20463 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1927. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume IV. Volume 4. p36 - 45.
  • <6>SBC19727 Bibliographic reference: James Joseph Sheahan. 1862. History and Topography of Buckinghamshire. p365-376.
  • <7>SBC22775 Unpublished document: Mark Page. 2002. An Assessment of the Documentary and Cartographic Evidence Relating to the Medieval Landscape and Society of the Bernwood Forest Project Area.
  • <8>SBC23895 Bibliographic reference: Eric Sewell. 2009. Long Crendon Historical Miscellany 1.
  • <9>SBC23896 Bibliographic reference: Eric Sewell. 2010. Long Crendon Historical Miscellany 2.
  • <10>SBC24180 Unpublished document: Browne Willis. Extract from Browne Willis Volume 20.
  • <11>SBC24443 Unpublished document: Thames Valley Archaeological Service. 2014. 18C Chearsley Road, Long Crendon: Archaeological Evaluation.
  • <12>SBC24528 Unpublished document: John Moore Heritage Services. 2014. an Archaeological Evaluation at 17 - 19 Bicester Road, Long Crendon.
  • <13>SBC24834 Unpublished document: 2016. Proposed Tennis Court, 64 High street, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire.
  • <14>SBC25206 Bibliographic reference: Joyce Donald & Long Crendon Preservation Society. 2006. Long Crendon: A Short History.
  • <15>SBC25444 Unpublished document: John Moore Heritage Services. 2020. An archaeological evaluation at Devonia, Chilton Road, Long Crendon.
  • <16>SBC26874 Unpublished document: KDK Archaeology Ltd. 2023. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Long Crendon Manor Stable, Thame Road, Long Crendon.
  • <17>SBC26940 Unpublished document: Minerva Archaeology Ltd. 2024. LAND ADJACENT TO 73 CHILTON ROAD, LONG CRENDON, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, HERITAGE STATEMENT.


Grid reference Centred SP 6898 0866 (6024m by 4491m) (2 map features)
Civil Parish LONG CRENDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (4)

  • Event - Survey: Building Impact Assessment: Lacaster Lodge (Ref: 4229) (EBC18322)
  • Event - Interpretation: Deskbased Assessment: 73 Chilton Road, Long Crendon (Ref: MA498) (EBC18670)
  • Event - Intervention: Evaluation: Devonia, Long Crendon (Ref: LCCR 20) (EBC18319)
  • Event - Intervention: Watching brief at 64 High Street (Ref: HSLC16/40) (EBC17886)

Record last edited

Dec 10 2024 4:15PM

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