Monument record 0245700000 - LISCOMBE PARK (S CORNER)
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Medieval windmill mound (DBC8892)
Type and Period (4)
- WINDMILL MOUND (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- BOUNDARY DITCH (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- MOUND (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- TREE THROW (20th Century - 1900 AD? to 1999 AD)
Dimensions - Radius 21m.
Plan Form - Circular.
Ditched windmill mound, causeway to W; in 1974 was 1.4m high, 42m diameter (B5).
On AP (B4).
Called 'Mill Hill' (B6).
In 1913 noted as 'Moated Mound' 7 feet high, 80 feet diameter at base, 40 feet at top, with dry ditch 3 feet wide (B1).
Has been dug into? (B6).
NGR to 'Mound' (B3).
See also CASS 01077:02.
A late medieval or post-medieval windmill mound is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located in a field adjacent Rocklane Farm within Liscombe Park and centred at SP88579 25113, the windmill mound is a total of 43 metres wide. It comprises a roughly circular ditch between 4.09 and 7.2 metres in diameter encloses a central circular windmill mound about 30 metres wide that, in turn, has a central circular pit or depression some 13 metres in diameter. Aerial photographs dated to 1946 show a tree to be sited on top of the mound and by 1961, even more trees covered the site, a condition which continues to the present. The central depression is possibly therefore a tree throw. On the northwest facing side of the ditch is 10 metres wide and 6 metres long semi-circular scoop from the surface that does not extend to the bottom of the ditch. On the west facing side of the windmill mound is a causeway for access. The windmill appears to have been sited on a block of classic reversed S-shaped ridge and furrow cultivation earthworks, suggesting it is dated to the later medieval or post medieval periods (7-10).
Sources (11)
- ---SBC18900 Aerial Photograph: 12/12/46. RAF 42.4282. SP\885248. Yes.
- <1>SBC20467 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1913. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 2. p270.
- <2>SBC20462 Bibliographic reference: William Page (ed). 1925. A History of Buckinghamshire (Victoria County History) Volume III. Volume 3. p415.
- <3>SBC10476 Map: OS 1978 1:2500 MAP.
- <4>SBC176 Photograph: AIR PHOTO 1946(DEC) RAF (RUN 42, PRINT 4282) COPY AT BCM.
- <5>SBC10544 Unpublished document: Ordnance Survey Field Investigator. 1974. OS record card.
- <6>SBC7996 Bibliographic reference: LOWTHER PC 1981(AUG) (SEE HER SOULBURY PARISH SURV EY, P28, IN CAS FILE 2763).
- <7>SBC25594 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-CPE-UK-1897 RS 4282 12-DEC-1946.
- <8>SBC25595 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-58-4646 F42 0185 28-AUG-1961.
- <9>SBC25596 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. Next Perspectives APGB Imagery. SP8825.
- <10>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP82NE Environment Agency Composite DTM 1 Metre dated 2017-2019 SP8825.
Grid reference | SP 88580 25116 (point) |
Civil Parish | SOULBURY, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: (EBC13281)
- Event - Survey: (EBC14190)
- Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
- Event - Survey: Site visit (EBC14244)
Record last edited
Nov 4 2024 6:34PM