Monument record 0239802000 - IKM N OF BIERTON CHURCH
Protected Status/Designation
- SHINE: Late Iron Age to Early Roman enclosures and possible Iron Age square barrow. Visible on aerial photos and dated by surface finds of pottery. (DBC10143)
Type and Period (10)
- SETTLEMENT? (Late Prehistoric - 4000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- SUB CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE (Iron Age to 5th Century Roman - 800 BC? to 409 AD?)
- CURVILINEAR ENCLOSURE (Iron Age to 5th Century Roman - 800 BC? to 409 AD?)
- MACULA (Iron Age to 5th Century Roman - 800 BC? to 409 AD?)
- DITCH (Iron Age to 5th Century Roman - 800 BC? to 409 AD?)
- PIT (Iron Age to 5th Century Roman - 800 BC? to 409 AD?)
- MACULA (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1798 AD?)
- EXTRACTIVE PIT (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1798 AD?)
- QUARRY (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD? to 1798 AD?)
- LINEAR FEATURE (Unknown date)
Ditched enclosures and boundary ditches of probable Iron Age and/or Roman date are visible on historic aerial photographs as cropmarks and were mapped as part of the Aylesbury Vale Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18604). Located in a field about 500 metres NNW of Barnett House and centred at SP 43553 16247, the main features are a double ditched rectilinear enclosure, a curvilinear enclosure and a sub circular enclosure. The double-ditched rectilinear enclosure is incomplete, with only the N, E and part of the S facing sides visible. A ditch up to 1.75 metres wide extends about 31 metres very slightly NNW-SSE. At the NNW end the ditch turns W for a further 20 metres. Parallel to this about 4 metres to the E is the second ditch, up to 1.5 metres wide, that extends slightly NNW-SSE for 46 metres, broken by a 5 metres wide gap. At the NNW end the ditch turns very slightly WSW for a further 13.5 metres. At the SSE end the ditch turns W for 10 metres. About 20 metres to the E of this enclosure is a sub circular ditch up to 1.5 metres wide encloses an internal area about 18 metres in diameter at its widest. Some 82 metres NNW is a subrectangular ditch up to 3 metres wide encloses an area about 19 x 21 metres at its widest points. Extending throughout these features over 200 metres NNW-SSE are patches of (probable) post-medieval extraction (3-4).
Sources (7)
- ---SBC17826 Aerial Photograph: 04/08/77. CUC CEI 55, 57. SP\836163. Yes.
- ---SBC19686 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 1999. Michael Farley APs 507/24-28. SP83501610. Yes. Yes.
- ---SBC19687 Aerial Photograph: Michael Farley. 1999. Michael Farley APs 508/4-5. SP83501610. No.
- <1>SBC5161 Verbal communication: Mike Farley (BCM). 1976. MIKE FARLEY (BCM), PERS COMM, MARCH 1976.
- <2>SBC12053 Verbal communication: Andrew Pike (BCM). 1977. PIKE A R (BCM) PERS COMM FROM CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY A/P CEI 55, AUGUST 1977.
- <3>SBC25872 Cartographic materials: Bing. Undated. Bing Maps aerial photographs. dated 2024.
- <4>SBC27126 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2024. NMR 26691_047 09-JUL-2010.
Grid reference | Centred SP 8353 1628 (300m by 370m) |
Civil Parish | BIERTON WITH BROUGHTON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (3)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Survey: (EBC1193)
- Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 9179) (EBC18604)
Record last edited
Feb 3 2025 12:07PM