Building record 0167100001 - WALLS W & N OF CHENIES CHURCHYARD


Remains of sixteenth century walls at Chenies Manor.

Protected Status/Designation



Type and Period (2)

  • WALL (16th Century - 1500 AD to 1599 AD)
  • BOUNDARY WALL (16th Century - 1500 AD? to 1599 AD?)


Grade II. Formerly part of Manor House. Circa 1530. Remains of north-east range of the Manor House, which was ruinous by 1750 and mostly demolished by 1800. West section: brick wall with some diaper work and evidence for stack on west side and start of north and south walls of Manor House north-east range. North wall: English bond brick wall with moulded plinth (B14).
NGR to corner of north and west churchyard walls.
A scar on the north face of the south wing of Chenies Manor suggests the presence of a wall or range of buildings, now demolished, running to the north towards the edge of the churchyard. Trial trench excavated by Time Team in 2004 to establish whether any remains of such a structure still survived. Three walls were found. The earliest (wall 108) was made of unfrogged bricks (making it probably Tudor), was orientated north-south and it probably butted onto the south range. On the west of this there was a compact gravel layer (probably a yard surface) and on the east there was garden soil, suggesting this was an external wall of a courtyard, rather than another range. It was cut by the foundation for a wall (107) running east to west, which itself was cut by another north-south running wall (106), which was also made of unfrogged bricks, suggesting an early date. Additional trench dug up against the eastern boundary wall of the current courtyard. A frogged brick was found in the foundations of this wall, suggesting it was Victorian in date. It cut through wall 609, which seems to be a continuation of wall 204, interpreted as one wall of a former northern range of the manor house. Another trench was dug to investigate the relationship between the western wall of the churchyard, which at this point is built of Tudor bricks, and a continuation of this possible north range. The current churchyard wall, dating to the sixteenth century as it is made of unfrogged bricks, cut through the wall of the possible north range (B17).

Sources (2)

  • <14>SBC19433 Bibliographic reference: DoE. 1984. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. p19.
  • <17>SBC22458 Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2005. Chenies Manor, Chenies: An Archaeological Evaluation of a Tudor Manor House and an Assessment of the Results. p19-20, 23, 25.


Grid reference TQ 01543 98376 (point)
Civil Parish CHENIES, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Event - Intervention: Geophysical survey, trial trenching and dendrochronological dating (Ref: CHE 04) (EBC16625)

Record last edited

Feb 27 2008 12:46PM

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