Monument record 0160300000 - 100M S OF ROOKERY FARM, Granborough
Protected Status/Designation
- Planning Notification Area: Shrunken medieval village earthworks at Granborough (DBC9507)
Type and Period (4)
- SHRUNKEN VILLAGE (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- HOLLOW WAY (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- BUILDING PLATFORM (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
- DITCH (Medieval to Post-Medieval - 1066 AD to 1798 AD)
Major hollow way c1.5m deep runs E-W across site, with system of further hollow ways. House platforms to N & less well defined platforms to S - a total of about 20. Evidence of shrinkage continues into to NW (SP7634 2515)(B1).
Detailed earthwork survey by Bucks County Museum Archaeological Service (B2).
A shrunken settlement of medieval date is visible on historic aerial photographs and remote sensing data as earthworks and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located on the west side of Granborough, centred at SP 476369 225181. These earthworks are situated on the west side of Granborough, crossed by Hogshaw Road; the earthworks to the south of Hogshaw Road appear to be a Holloway running east-west with linear boundaries at right angles forming small plots. These earthworks were surveyed in 1998 and show the earthwoks visible on the aerial photographs. The earthworks to the north west of Hogshaw road are not so regular but the line of the hollow way is continued and small plot boundaries are still visible to the south of this. Near Rookery Farm, on the north side of Hogshaw Road, there are further boundaries of small linear plots, on a different alignment. These earthworks are still clear on lidar visualisations and are surrounded by ridge and furrow field systems which stop at the edge of the settlement earthworks. The line of the hollow way through the earthworks continues to the east of Granborough as a wide flat earthwork (see MBC43590) which may have been a drove road or a green where animals could stay overnight; this is 150m to the north of Green End. (3-6)
Sources (6)
- <1>SBC2098 Article in serial: BULL E J & FARLEY M E (BCM) JAN 1974 (& SEE RECS OF BUCKS 1974 19 P509/ MILTON KEYNES JNL 1974 3 P6).
- <2>XYSBC11552 Unpublished document: Buckinghamshire County Museum Archaeological Service. 1998. A SURVEY OF EARTHWORKS AT HOGSHAW ROAD, GRANBOROUGH. [Mapped feature: #1330 ]
- <3>SBC25703 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 1946. RAF/CPE/UK/1897 RP 3302 12-Dec-1946.
- <4>SBC25705 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2002. NMR 21440_034 03-Jan-2002.
- <5>SBC25741 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2002. NMR 21440_032 03-Jan-2002.
- <6>SBC25062 Digital archive: Environment Agency. Environment Agency LiDAR data. LIDAR SP7625 Environment Agency 1m DTM Composite 2017-2019 date accessed 25-Feb-2020.
Grid reference | Centred SP 76544 25088 (375m by 237m) (2 map features) |
Civil Parish | GRANBOROUGH, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
- Event - Survey: Site visit (EBC14513)
- Event - Survey: Topographic earthwork survey (EBC10353)
Record last edited
Feb 15 2024 12:47PM