Monument record 0109000000 - SCHOOL, ADJ WING CHURCHYARD


Mid Saxon to early medieval inhumation cemetery discovered when school built in the nineteenth century and confirmed during evaluation and excavation.

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Saxon minster church and associated cemetery (DBC8912)


Type and Period (4)

  • INHUMATION CEMETERY (8th Century to 13th Century - 700 AD to 1299 AD)
  • INHUMATION (8th Century to 13th Century - 700 AD to 1299 AD) + Sci.Date
  • BOUNDARY DITCH (8th Century to 12th Century - 700 AD? to 1199 AD)
  • BOUNDARY DITCH (12th Century - 1100 AD to 1199 AD)


Archaeological evaluation carried out on the site of the demolished school by Northants Archaeology in December 1997 prior to redevelopment confirmed the 19th century reports of the discovery of burials, suggesting the churchyard was once more extensive. Six trial trenches totalling 99m in length were opened. Trench 1 revealed human burials disturbed by the later foundations of the brick built school. Trench 2 revealed more graves and a shallow pit and small gully. Trench 3 encountered a large area of disturbance and further burials. Trench 4 revealed three shallow pits or scoops containing 13th century pottery. Trench 5 contained a ditch and pit containg charcoal flecks and 13th century pottery. Trench 6 contained only tree root disturbance. The pottery finds included Maxey-types, Greyware, Denham Red, Brill, St Neots and Olney Hyde Shelly wares. Personal finds included a perforated boars tusk and a strap end (B10).
Subsequent excavation carried out by Northants Archaeology in May and June 1999, was limited to the footprint of the proposed new dwellings (30m x 20m). Residual pottery finds of early or middle Saxon pottery suggests early settlement in the vicinity. The earliest features on the site included part of the cemetery of All Saints Church (possibly an extension to the original cemetery) and boundary ditches. A total of 77 individual internments were excavated, laid out in north-south rows with the graves aligned east-west. Radiocarbon dating of 5 skeletons indicate that burials may have begun as early as 700 AD and were certainly underway between 750-900 AD. Use of the cemetery appears to have been continuous, with the last burials taking place between 1050-1200 AD and possibly as late as 1250 AD. A number of late graves were on a slightly different alignments and cut through earlier burials, suggesting that the earlier graves were no longer visible. The boundary of the churchyard to the south and east appears to be defined by two phases of ditch, the earliest a narrow ditch with possible internal bank probably marking out an extension to the original churchyard. This was replaced by a much larger boundary ditch which was backfilled in the 12th century. A building with tile hearth or oven and other occupation features including pits, postholes and a well encroached into the south east corner of the cemetery in the 13th century. The cemetery was finally abandoned in the 13th century and the site given over to secular use but the excavation area had gone out of use completely by the early 14th century . A new phase of occupation began again in the 16th century with features comprising pits and postholes, possibly associated with a building shown on the 1798 enclosure map. The site was in use as pasture in the early 19th century until construction of the school buildings in 1850. See report for detail (B11,B14-15).
NGR to centre of excavated burials.

Sources (16)

  • <1>SBC13278 Article in serial: RECS OF BUCKS 1854 1 P111.
  • <2>SBC14738 Bibliographic reference: SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF LONDON 1854 PROCEEDINGS 3 PP72-3 (NOTE BY F OUVRY).
  • <3>SBC10753 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SP 82 SE 9 (ON CAS FILE).
  • <4>SBC20374 Bibliographic reference: A Meaney. 1964. Gazetteer of Early Anglo-Saxon Burial Sites. p59.
  • <5>SBC19841 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1877. KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF BUCKS 1877. pp860.
  • <6>SBC7057 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1887. KELLYS DIRECTORY OF BUCKS 1887. pp457.
  • <7>SBC19842 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1891. KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF BUCKS 1891. pp463.
  • <8>SBC7023 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1895. KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF BUCKS 1895. pp178-9.
  • <9>SBC19843 Bibliographic reference: Kelly's Directories Ltd. 1899. KELLY'S DIRECTORY OF BUCIKINGHAMSHIRE 1899. pp187.
  • <10>SBC19204 Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 1997. The Old Victorian School, Wing: Archaeological Evaluation.
  • <11>SBC19844 Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 1999. Victorian School, Wing, Buckinghamshire: Archaeologial Recording Action 1999.
  • <12>SBC19845 Photograph: Sandy Kidd (BCC). 1999. Victorian School, Wing, Excavation 1999. 35mm. Print.
  • <13>SBC19846 Article in serial: CBA South Midlands Group. 1998. South Midlands Archaeology 28, 1998. 28. p23.
  • <14>SBC22390 Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2005. Excavation of a Late Saxon - Medieval Cemetery At the site of the Former Victorian School, Wing May-June 1999.
  • <15>SBC23351 Article in serial: Mark Holmes & Andy Chapman (editor). 2008. 'A Middle- Late Saxon and Medieval Cemetery at Wing Church', in Recs of Bucks 48 pp61-123. Vol 48. pp66-85,104,108-123.
  • <16>SBC24004 Unpublished document: Sarah Tatham & Jennifer Wakely. Undated. The Wing Skeletal Report.


Grid reference SP 88051 22548 (point)
Civil Parish WING, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (4)

  • COIN (10th Century - 900 AD to 999 AD)
  • COMPOSITE COMB (Saxon - 410 AD to 1065 AD)
  • HORSESHOE (11th Century to 12th Century - 1000 AD to 1199 AD)
  • SHERD (5th Century Saxon to 9th Century - 450 AD? to 850 AD?)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Event - Intervention: Disturbed find (EBC12213)
  • Event - Intervention: Evaluation trial trenching (EBC16168)
  • Event - Intervention: Excavation (EBC16169)

Record last edited

Feb 15 2023 10:22PM

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