Building record 0711500000 - The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Road


Site of nineteenth century vicarage built in 1863-4 and demolished in 2011.

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded


Type and Period (1)

  • VICARAGE (Built 1863-4, 19th Century to Modern - 1800 AD to 1999 AD)


Vicarage built in 1863-4 and demolished prior to AS&C fieldwork in March and April 2011. The building replaced an earlier 18th century or earlier vicarage 40m to the south, the location of which is shown on an architect's plan of 1863 and survived as an earthwork platform in 2011 (B1).
The building seems to have been in use as a vicarage until at least the 1970s. Aerial photos show 3 parallel N-S ranges and a larger E-W range to the rear overlooking the garden, all with slate roofs and a paved terrace giving access to the garden (B2).
Historic photographs (B3-4).
An E-W aligned wall of unfrogged red bricks, possibly part of the first vicarage building or a garden wall, was found during a watching brief by AS&C in January 2012 (B6).

Sources (7)

  • <1>SBC24026 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation: The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Road, Winslow.
  • <1>SBC24034 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2007. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment: The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Road, Winslow.
  • <2>SBC23866 Verbal communication: Julia Wise (BCC). 2011. Information from OS 6-inch and 25-inch historic mapping and aerial photos.
  • <3>SBC19641 Bibliographic reference: Terry Foley and Julian Hunt. 1997. Winslow. p85.
  • <4>SBC23582 Bibliographic reference: Charles Close. 2009. Winslow Through Time. p75.
  • <5>SBC19639 Bibliographic reference: Robert Cook. 1989. The Book Of Winslow. p28.
  • <6>SBC24122 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2012. Watching Brief: The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Road, Winslow.


Grid reference SP 76798 27681 (point)
Civil Parish WINSLOW, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Event - Intervention: Archaeological Watching Brief (Ref: WOV 1467) (EBC17484)

Record last edited

Mar 16 2012 5:15PM

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