Monument record 0959600000 - Hales Wood


Site of a WWII army camp in Hales Wood, used after the war as a refugee camp for Polish refugees.

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded


Type and Period (2)

  • ARMY CAMP (Modern - 1939 AD? to 1945 AD?)
  • DISPLACED PERSONS CAMP (Modern - 1945 AD? to 1950 AD?)


There was a large army camp built in Hodgemoor Woods, which housed regiments including the 51st Division of the Highland Regiment and the Middlesex Regiment. After the war the camp was used to house a large number of Polish refugees (B1).
Two separate camps visible in 1947 RAF vertical APs and shown on late 1950s Provisional Edition 6-inch OS maps, at Hills Wood and Hales Wood. A sewage plant SE of Stocking's Farm presumably served both camps (B2).
Areas of hardstanding still survive within both woods (B3).

Sources (4)

  • <1>SBC23040 Bibliographic reference: Buckinghamshire Federation of Women's Institutes. 2001. Those Were the Days: Buckinghamshire in the Forties, Fifties and Sixties. p8.
  • <2>XYSBC23042 Verbal communication: Julia Wise (BCC). 2008. Pers comm, January 2008, information from 1947 RAF vertical aerial photos and late 1950s OS map. [Mapped feature: #44799 ]
  • <3>SBC23041 Verbal communication: Julia Carey (BCC). 2008. Pers comm to Julia Wise (BCC), January 2008.
  • <4>SBC24524 Bibliographic reference: Julian Hunt. 2009. A History of Coleshill. p131.


Grid reference Centred SU 96692 93900 (369m by 345m) (2 map features)
Civil Parish SEER GREEN, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire
Civil Parish COLESHILL, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire
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Record last edited

May 19 2021 5:55PM

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