Find Spot record 0075100000 - E of The Limes


Neolithic to Bronze Age flints, Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and medieval pottery and Roman and undated metalwork found in field walking

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Prehistoric, Roman and Medieval find scatters found by fieldwalking (DBC9041)


Type and Period (1)

  • FINDSPOT (Undated)


SHERDS, A ROMAN COIN & FLINT FLAKES found during ?unsystematic fieldwalking in 1969 (B1).
M. Farley query on location of findspot in light of further fieldwalking finds in 1994. Quantity of Saxon sherds from localised findspots on western edge of field - site of settlement or cemetery ? (see map extract filed) 13th-14th century sherds widely dispersed mainly jugs - site adjacent Gallows Field - 'picnicers'? Small quantity of Iron Age/Romano-British pottery sherds from same general area as Saxon sherds. Lead token (B2).

Sources (2)

  • <1>SBC1569 Bibliographic reference: BCM RECORD CARD (NOT RETAINED).
  • <2>SBC19288 Unpublished document: County Museum Archaeological Group. 1994. Upper Winchendon Fieldwalking 1994.


Grid reference SP 73900 13800 (point)
Civil Parish UPPER WINCHENDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (7)

  • SHERD (Early Iron Age to Late Iron Age - 700 BC to 42 AD)
  • COIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • FLAKE (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 701 BC)
  • SHERD (5th Century Saxon to 11th Century - 410 AD to 1099 AD)
  • SHERD (13th Century to 14th Century - 1200 AD to 1399 AD)
  • TOKEN (Unknown date)
  • SHERD (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event - Survey: Field walking (EBC15810)
  • Event - Survey: Fieldwalking (EBC10124)

Record last edited

Jan 26 2018 2:47PM

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