Monument record 0040006000 - Latimer Park Farm


Undated features, Roman and medieval pottery and tile found during evaluation.

Protected Status/Designation

  • SHINE: Neolithic to Bronze Age round barrow cropmarks (DBC7550)


Type and Period (4)

  • GULLY (Unknown date)
  • PIT (Unknown date)
  • POST HOLE (Unknown date)
  • STAKE HOLE? (Unknown date)


Geophysical survey carried out by Engineering Archaeological Services in May and June 2003 identified a number of anomalies, most of which were interpreted as relating to modern activities (garden features and servives). Two anomalies apparently forming a rectilinear area at least 20m X 15m, aligned NE-SW and with a possible extension to the SE was interpreted as a possible building or rubble spread (B17).
Evaluation trial trenching carried out by Archaeological Solutions in October 2003 in advance of proposed construction of new house to east of existing farmhouse identified a number of archaeological features within Trenches 1 and 2. These comprised 1 gully, 2 pits, up to 8 postholes and a possible stakehole. 4 of the postholes formed a clear alignment and may represent a structure. The features are considered by the excavators to be medieval in date, however finds recovered from the fills include Romano-British pottery and tile as well as Medieval pottery; all the ceramics are described as abraded and the medieval pottery has a much lower average sherd weight than the Romano-British pottery. Modern drainage gullies and service trenches were present in trenches 6 and 7 and there was evidence of recent made ground and for landscaping activities in Trenches 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7. The evaluation results did not correspond to the anomalies identified during the geophysical survey. See report for detail (B18). NGR to centre.
Excavations uncovered a series of pits, postholes and linear features, as well as deep foundations filled with flint nodules - though undated, these could plausibly have been Romano-British in date. See reports for further details (B22-3).

Sources (4)

  • <17>SBC20689 Unpublished document: Engineering Archaeological Services Ltd. 2003. Latimer Park House: Geophysical Survey.
  • <18>SBC22304 Unpublished document: Archaeological Solutions. 2003. Latimer Park House, Latimer: An archaeological Evaluation.
  • <22>SBC24226 Unpublished document: Archaeological Solutions. 2005. Latimer Park House, Latimer: Archaeological Excavation Interim Report.
  • <23>SBC24227 Unpublished document: Archaeological Solutions. 2008. Latimer Park House, Latimer, Buckinghamshire: Draft publication report.


Grid reference SU 9987 9855 (point)
Civil Parish CHENIES, Chiltern, Buckinghamshire

Finds (3)

  • VESSEL (1st Century Roman - 43 AD to 99 AD)
  • VESSEL (13th Century to 15th Century - 1200 AD to 1499 AD)
  • TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Event - Intervention: Evaluation trial trenching (Ref: AS 743) (EBC16556)
  • Event - Intervention: Excavation (Ref: AS743) (EBC17521)
  • Event - Survey: Geophysical Survey (EBC16424)

Record last edited

Feb 15 2018 5:39PM

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