Monument record 0845900000 - Former Gomme factory, Leigh Street


Early twentieth century former furniture factory of E Gomme, rebuilt in1922 and used for aicraft production during WWII.

Protected Status/Designation

  • Conservation Area: Leigh Street Furniture Heritage Conservation Area (DBC7278)


Type and Period (4)

  • FURNITURE FACTORY (20th Century to Modern - 1900 AD to 1930 AD)
  • MANAGERS HOUSE (Dated 1909, 20th Century - 1900 AD to 1999 AD)
  • AIRCRAFT FACTORY (Modern - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
  • OFFICE (21st Century - 2000 AD to 2099 AD)


Former factory of E Gomme, the company founded by Ebenezer Gomme, comprising four-storey brick factory built early 1900s and rebuilt in 1922 after a serious fire. Also the house of Ebenezer Gomme with date-inscription of 1909, and now used as an office. Noted as the factory where Gomme's famous G-Plan range was first made. During World War II the factory was used for aircraft production. Report and photographs (B1).
A significant building with the Leigh Street Furniture Heritage Conservation Area (B2).

Sources (3)

  • <1>SBC22231 Unpublished document: Marian Miller. 2004. High Wycombe: Furniture Town. PD34 - pages 133.
  • <2>SBC23267 Bibliographic reference: Wycombe District Council. 2006. Leigh Street Furniture Heritage Conservation Area (summary).
  • <2>SBC25430 Bibliographic reference: Wycombe District Council. 2012. Leigh Street Furniture Heritage Conservation Area Appraisal.


Grid reference Centred SU 85532 93267 (26m by 32m)
Civil Parish HIGH WYCOMBE, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
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Record last edited

Jun 24 2021 3:55PM

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