Monument record 0637400000 - NE of Wellwick Farm, Wendover


Roman cremation, accompanied by eight ceramic vessels, two glass vessels, a lamp and an adze hammer

Protected Status/Designation

  • Planning Notification Area: Bronze Age structures, Iron Age farmstead, Roman burials and Medieval smithy found by fieldwalking, metal-detecting, trial trenching and partly excavated (DBC9591)
  • SHINE: Site of a Roman farmstead or small settlement with associated cemetery, indicated by fieldwalking and metal-detecting finds and geophysical survey, NE of Wellwick Farm (DBC8289)


Type and Period (2)

  • CASKET BURIAL (2nd Century - 100 AD to 199 AD)
  • CREMATION (2nd Century - 100 AD to 199 AD)


Discovered in late August 2000 during a metal detecting rally, a Roman cremation burial was excavated in early September by Archaeological Services and Consultancy Ltd for the County Arcaheological Service. The burial had been interred in a pit 0.7m square and buried 0.4m into sub-soil. Traces of organic deposits and iron nails at the base of the pit suggest that the remains were placed in a wooden box. The two handled flagon that contained the remains was badly damaged and crushed, and was illegally removed before excavation. However, remaining in situ were the following; iron head of a adze hammer; a lead lamp; a iron strip; seven nails and fifteen other iron fragments; 16 glass fragments of natural blue-green and 80 fragments of a colourless glass vessel; 3 red-ware (samian) dishes: a triangular rim platter; bones from one chicken placed in three of the ceramic vessels. The pottery dates to AD135-155 (B1-2).
After filming for TV feature, Martin Parker located fragments of a bronze wine strainer close to the burial site, The strainer was later restored and loaned to Buckinghamshire County Museum by the finder (B5).

Sources (5)

  • <1>SBC19206 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2000. Archaeological Recording at Wellwick Farm, Wendover.
  • <2>SBC20010 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2002. A Romano-British Cremation Burial from Wellwick Farm, Wendover.
  • <3>SBC20038 Article in serial: M N Parker. 2000. 'The Finding of a Roman Burial Urn', in Treasure Hunting magazine, November 2000, pp18-19. Nov 2000.
  • <4>SBC20039 Article in serial: M N Parker. 2000. 'The Finding of a Roman Burial Urn: Part Two', in Treasure Hunting magazine, December 2000, pp21-23. December 2000.
  • <5>SBC20040 Article in serial: Martin Parker. 2002. 'A Roman Wine Strainer', in Treasure Hunting magazine, September 2002, pp66-69. Sept 2002.


Grid reference SP 85502 07961 (point)
Civil Parish WENDOVER, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (5)

  • ADZE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • LAMP (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • BOWL (1st Century Roman to 2nd Century - 43 AD to 199 AD)
  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • STRAINER (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Event - Intervention: Rescue recording of Romano-British cremation burial at Wellwick Farm, Wendover (Ref: WFW00 231) (EBC16276)

Record last edited

Nov 14 2018 2:51PM

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