Building record 0066602001 - W OF BEACHENDON FARM


Seventeenth to early eighteenth century barn and outbuildings at Beachendon Farm

Protected Status/Designation



Type and Period (4)

  • BARN (17th Century to 18th Century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
  • GULLY? (Unknown date)
  • DRAIN (19th Century - 1800 AD? to 1899 AD?)
  • FARM BUILDING (17th Century to 18th Century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)


Grade II. Barn with lower flanking outbuildings. C17- early C18, altered. Rubble stone, half-hipped old tile roofs. Barn of 5 bays has triangular air vents with brick surrounds, mostly blocked. Central cart entry, irregular rectangular openings. Trusses have braced tie beams, slightly raking queen posts, collars and later small struts. Curved wind-braces. Lower ranges have irregular rectangular openings and doors (B7).
Watching brief carried out by AS&C in June 2004 during reductions to floor levels inside barn, recorded a series of brick and tile drains associated with the use of the barn for stabling livestock. Two undated earlier features, a N-S ditch or gully 0.86m wide, and an E-W linear feature, approx 0.4m wide and 6m long. Both features apparently unexcavated (B8).
Plan and elevation drawings of barn (B9).

Sources (3)

  • <7>SBC19269 Bibliographic reference: DoE. 1985. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. p57.
  • <8>SBC22535 Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Ltd. 2004. Watching Brief: Beachendon Farm, Eythorpe, near Stone.
  • <9>SBC22690 Graphic material: Alan Lesurf. 2006. Architect's existing plan and elevations of barn at Beachendon Farm.


Grid reference SP 75900 13580 (point)
Civil Parish WADDESDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire

Finds (0)

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event - Survey: Site visit (EBC13595)
  • Event - Intervention: Watching brief (Ref: SFF 569) (EBC16662)

Record last edited

Jun 8 2023 11:42PM

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