Monument record 0509500000 - CHASE FARM, WHADDON
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Type and Period (3)
- WATER MEADOW (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD to 1798 AD)
- DRAINAGE DITCH (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD to 1798 AD)
- LEAT (Post-Medieval - 1540 AD to 1798 AD)
'Water cultivation works' 300 yards NNE of Chase Farm (NGR); in 1912 were a series of parallel strips of soil, separated by linked ditches. Ditches once fed by stream to E; were then dry. N part of works were mostly wooded. (See photocopy of 1912 survey notes & sketch plan, filed at CAS 05095) (B1).
'Works not visible, field ploughed', OS Inspector's visit (no date)(B2).
Contours on 1:10000 shows that the ground is sloping down from the SW to the NE. It is difficult to envisage this area as a suitable one for a water meadow on the basis of analogies with Chenies and other water meadows located elsewhere which are sited on floodplains (B3).
The probable remains of a post-medieval bedwork water meadow system is visible on historic aerial photographs and was mapped as part of the North Buckinghamshire Aerial Investigation and Mapping project (EBC18304). Located in a south sloping field adjacent Broadway Wood about 375 metres NE of Chase Farm and centred at SP 81578 32028, aerial photographs taken in 1946 show a grill-like system of very narrow parallel ditches, channels or ‘floats’ about 0.5 metres wide and up to 50 metres long, aligned SW-NE, that extends for an area about 142 x 63 metres, with longer perpendicular linear ditches regularly spaced extending over a larger area, being about 250 x 150 metres, suggesting the extent of the former water management system may have been greater than that mapped. A possible leat or carrier drain appears to connect to the system at the west end by a curving ditch that leads from/towards Chase Farm. Some of the drains were visible on aerial photographs taken in 1944 and 1946; by 1947 most of the features appear to have been plough-levelled and nothing can be seen of these features by 1954 (4-7).
Sources (7)
- <1>SBC20467 Bibliographic reference: Royal Commision on Historical Monuments. 1913. Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire. Volume 2. pp321-322.
- <2>XYSBC10782 Bibliographic reference: OS RECORD CARD SP 83 SW (M). [Mapped feature: #4522 ]
- <3>SBC19015 Verbal communication: Jonathan Parkhouse. Jonathan Parkhouse pers comm 1997.
- <4>SBC25829 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. US-7PH-GP-LOC157 VM 8027 25-JAN-1944.
- <5>SBC25842 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-CPE-UK-2097 RP 3119 28-MAY-1947.
- <6>SBC25843 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-3G-TUDD-UK-86 RV 6206 26-MAR-1946.
- <7>SBC25840 Aerial Photograph: Historic England. 2022. RAF-82-995 F22 0057 26-AUG-1954.
Grid reference | SP 816 320 (point) |
Civil Parish | WHADDON, Aylesbury Vale, Buckinghamshire |
Finds (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Survey: Aerial investigation and mapping project (Ref: 7768) (EBC18304)
- Event - Survey: Field visit (unknown date) (EBC18554)
- Event - Survey: Topographic earthwork survey (EBC18555)
Record last edited
Oct 14 2024 10:13PM